A boy saved his mother


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Hero's comes in different ways. Some kids wouldn't even know what to do or even be able to lift the ladder but not this kid. It was obvious the ladder was heavy but he didn't give up and even held the ladder after putting it up so it doesn't fall again when his mother is climbing down.

This is the best video I have watched online today.

I could be wrong judging the distance, but didn't seem like a big fall.
Even if it wasn't a big fall, the point is the kid was smart & reacted quickly. Even adults have had a hard time when push comes to shove. Then the kid lifted that ladder, which ladders are not light, to help his mom even more. I give him tremendous Kudos! He'll go far in life.
Even if it wasn't a big fall, the point is the kid was smart & reacted quickly. Even adults have had a hard time when push comes to shove. Then the kid lifted that ladder, which ladders are not light, to help his mom even more. I give him tremendous Kudos! He'll go far in life.
There's no doubt about how smart the kid was. Some adult would even panic in such situation.
Yeah, that's something which was very clear. Most kids can't lift that ladder and even have the knowledge to hold it down.

I think the boy got a strong mindset. Most of the things we achieve in the world starts from the mind.
Or even some parents not allowing their kids do anything but leave it all for house maids.

The parents contribute to some of the kids not being fit because of that. How can you not let your kids do something in the house?